Přinášíme Vám postřehy studentů jednotlivých tříd z tohoto kulturního zážitku v anglickém i českém jazyce:
4.AI ✍️ On the 23rd of October, 60 students and 4 English teachers of our school went to a smaller theatre in Brno called Semilasso to see the show The Great Gatsby. We arrived by bus at the bus stop close to the theatre at 9:15. We went in, took our seats and a few minutes later the performance started. As the show began, we were speechless because their English was at a much higher level than we expected. Although the story was sometimes confusing, we enjoyed it to the fullest. Overall, it was a great experience for everyone to participate in and we hope for another chance to go and see another theatre play.
3.AI ✍️ My gut feeling was that I would not be able to understand the actors because I assumed their English or accents would not be very clear. However, they were all speaking such brilliant English and I guess that everybody in the theatre could understand the actors!
As it first started everybody got a little confused because of the characters in play with so few actors on the stage. It all started making sense as they progressed and sang along with the story. I was enjoying the play all the way through without getting bored or thinking about something else! We all enjoyed when the actors ran into the crowd and started interacting with people in the audience and even made US a part of the play!
2.AI ✍️ Středeční divadlo se mně osobně nelíbilo se dvou důvodů. Prvním bylo, že scéna divadla byla stále stejná, nebyly žádné kulisy, které by pomáhaly pochopit, kde se děj odehrává. Zadruhé, u herců bylo těžké poznat, kterou postavu zrovna hrají, protože jejich kostýmy byly podobné. Avšak přesto všechno byly výkony herců velice dobré.
"So we beat on, boats against the current, borne back ceaselessly into the past." F. Scott Fitzgerald